Lake Marburg Moss Chapter
Hanover, PA

Contact Person
Sally Ann Gobrecht
(h) 717-632-3318
(cell) 717-476-8759
All Chapter Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held at Martin’s Gallery unless otherwise stated.
Wear a pin or tee-shirt – Earn Extra points!
The Lake Marburg Moss Chapter was formed in Hanover, Pennsylvania in October 1988, the thirty-third chapter of the P. Buckley Moss Society. We meet six times per year at Martin’s Gallery, 929 Baltimore Street, in Hanover, at 7:00 P.M. — usually the last Tuesday of every other month. We do have 2 Monday meetings – see calendar. With 76 members, we are the one of the largest local chapter nationwide at this time. Our current membership includes Society members from all over the country. We invite any Society member who does not have a local chapter to join our group.
Local dues are $5.00 per year, and in return members receive six issues per year of Patches of Moss, the Lake Marburg Moss Chapter newsletter. We are fortunate to have Les & Pat Martin, owners of Martin’s Gallery as our supporters. Without their involvement and commitment, we would not be where we are today.
Current Projects:
We award two $2,000 scholarships locally to challenged students.
Our latest two winners were chosen unanimously: Benjamin Berger, a 2017 Western graduate who will attend Loyola University; and Nathan Dietrich, a 2017 South Western graduate who will attend Hiram G Andrews Center from 9/17-12/17 then switch to Carroll Community College.
Past Activities:
Total Raised for Charities to date – $119,795.96 The list of our activities since 1990 has gotten too lengthy to list in detail. We are proud of our accomplishments and plan to continue to work very hard along these same lines.
We award two $2,000 scholarships locally to challenged students.
Remarks to Potential Members:
The Lake Marburg Moss Chapter is a very active chapter and offers opportunities for participation to all of its members. Twice a year we hold a drawing for a valuable prize, usually a Moss print or a Longaberger® basket. As members participate in events, they are awarded points in the form of coupons for renewing local membership; attending meetings; wearing a Moss pin or T-shirt; working at an event; participating in a “Fun-d calendar” each Fall and other similar activities. Even those members who live too far away to attend the meetings have an opportunity to earn points and are eligible for the prize drawing.
As a member in good standing of a chapter, you are eligible to receive annually (at no charge) the special companion print created by Pat that will complement the Member’s Only print when purchased through your local gallery.
Our chapter newsletter, “Patches of Moss,” is mailed at least six times per year to the homes of all of our members to keep them informed of all the activities of our local chapter, as well as the national office of the Society. The chapter newsletter is now created in Word and as a pdf file and is available via e-mail upon request to anyone who is interested.
If you would like more information about our local chapter or would like to attend our meetings, please call 717-632-3318 or contact Martin’s Gallery at 717-632-3355 or via e-mail at You may also inquire by sending an e-mail message to Chapter President, Sally Ann Gobrecht (
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