Moss Country Friends Chapter
Kalona, IA

Contact Person
Nancy Brenneman
Our chapter started in June 1994, with thirteen members. We have now grown to over twenty members from over thirteen surrounding communities. We have found that members stay active and interested by conducting monthly meetings and mailing a newsletter each month. As of December 2000, we have raised over $12,000 for our charitable projects. We have a program at each meeting just for fun or informative.
Current Projects:
For 2004: – gather children’s birthday party supplies and cake mixes for distribution to the Crisis Center or local food banks – raffle for a remarqued print to be used toward purchase of a handicapped-accessible van for a local family – donation toward equipment for the YMCA childcare center
Past Activities:
Monthly Meetings: Guest speaker or program presented each month
Yearly: Since 1995, an annual “Angel Award” is given by our local Moss framer to a chapter member in recognition of their service to the club; since 1994, chapter members have attended chapter training
2004: – gather children’s birthday party supplies and cake mixes for distribution to the Crisis Center or local food banks – raffle for a remarqued print to be used toward purchase of a handicapped-accessible van for a local family – donation toward equipment for the YMCA childcare center
Jan 01: Presentation of the annual “Angel Award”, sponsored by our local framers
Aug 00: Two chapter members attended the national chapter training and during our monthly meeting, 5-year membership pins were presented to the members that have belonged to our local chapter for 5-years
Jul 00: Held our chapter’s birthday party and potluck
Jun 00: Chapter members attended the national convention in Des Moines and participated in the Costume Parade; members also enjoyed a Hosta Garden tour at the home of a local member during our monthly meeting

Des Moines Convention 2000
Apr 00: Sponsored a chapter bus trip to Galena for a day of shopping
Jul 99: Held a special Chapter Meeting & potluck to celebrate our chapter’s 5th Birthday
Jun 99: Sponsored a chapter bus trip to Galena for a garden tour and antique shopping
Apr 99: One of the chapter members spoke to grades 2-6 at a local school about the art of P. Buckley Moss during the “Art in Schools” week
Oct 98: Hosted a community “Evening with Pat, Malcolm and Peter” via phone. Hosted a chapter meeting with the Executive Director of the Moss Society with guests from the Moss Heaven Chapter.
Sep 98: Chapter members attended an outing to a “Taste of Bonaparte” for a luncheon and shopping
Jul 98: Purchased 2 commemorative bricks for the walkway at the museum
May 98: Attended the Moss convention in Illinois; one of our members received the cross-stitch award at the convention and several members volunteered at the convention.
Apr 98: Nominations for local chapter scholarship.
Mar 98: Sponsored “All Iowa” meeting in Kalona. We invited all chapters in Iowa. The program included chapter “Show and Tell”; workshops on framing and care of prints; presentations on mini-docent training, and “Getting to Know Kalona,” from a chamber representative. This event was attended by over fifty people.
Dec 97: Held our chapter Christmas party with gifts for our secret pals; we collected many gifts, food, and household supplies for two Lifeline families.
Oct 97: Traveled to Des Moines to attend Pat’s book signing of Painting: The Joy of the Soul, by Peter Rippe. In October, we also helped with The Village Shoppe’s Show Without Pat.

Chapter Quilt Block
Sep 97: Presentation of the annual “Angel Award,” sponsored by our local framers. We also helped sell raffle tickets at Kalona’s Fall Festival.
Jul 97: Entered our “Quilting Grannies” in the Kalona Days Parade. Four members attended chapter training in Virginia.
Jun 97: We raised funds by having a chapter table at a flea market.
May 97: A skit was performed by two of our ACT volunteers at our monthly chapter meeting. We entered our “Quilting Grannies” for the costume parade at the Moss Convention in Cedar Rapids and received first place. One of our members received the cross-stitch award at the convention, and many members volunteered at the convention.
1997: 2 volunteers involved in the ACT program at a local school
Oct 96: Hosted Pat & Malcolm for the local Moss show which included a chapter dinner; hosted a Hospitality Room for Moss members who attended the local Moss show
Jun 96: We entered “My Six Little Bears” for the costume parade at the Moss Convention in Ames; donated to a paver at Iowa State University to honor Pat
Nov 95: Hosted docent training session with Peter in Amana; chapter members volunteered at the local Moss show
Jul 95: Chapter members participated in the Kalona Days Parade
Apr 95: Chapter trip to visit the Waterbury’s home and view the new dollhouse before it is installed at the museum

Quilting Grannies
Raised over $2,100 to benefit a young infant born with severe birth defects, these proceeds were from a bake sale, door prizes and raffle of a remarqued print during year 2000; money was also collected for ‘Pennies for Panama’ and pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald house.
Our local benefit in 1999 was for a child who had several amputations due to complications from meningitis, proceeds included $360.00 from an ‘in house’ raffle, $162.00 from the monthly door prize, $618.00 from a bake sale, $500.00 from a bus trip to a casino riverboat and $849.00 from the silent gift auction at our Christmas party
Awarded $350.00 scholarships in 1999 to two students with learning difficulties
Donated health kits to MCC for hurricane victims.
At each monthly meeting, the door prize raffle proceeds are used to benefit a local cause chosen by the member who donated the prize.
Donated $25.00 to Cancer Walkathon.
Awarded $500.00 scholarships in 1998 to two students with learning difficulties.

Chapter Photoboard & Display
Raised $1261.00 from raffle of remarqued print, “The Welcome Place” to benefit a brother and sister with Fanconi’s Anemia
Donated gifts, food, and household items to two Lifeline families.
Donated items to local food pantries from each meeting in 1997.
Donated two of Pat’s children’s books to the WACO school library from our memorial fund.
Donated over 86 dolls to the Society doll project to children’s hospitals.
Raised $990.00 toward an “Alpha Talker” for RESCARE, Inc.
Raised $2500.00 along with matching funds from a local foundation to buy a computer for a local schools LD Center.
Sold flag buntings to help raise funds for our new chapter.
Remarks to Potential Members:
Our chapter mission statement is as follows: To foster awareness and enjoyment of the art of P. Buckley Moss. To help learning disabled children; abused children; and, other young children at risk. To assist Pat in her local appearances and promote the philanthropic activities in her behalf. We welcome you to join our chapter if you are interested in Pat’s art, helping local children through our fund-raisers or getting together socially with a great group of people! We would enjoy the chance to meet you. You may reach us through the mail at the following address: Moss Country Friends P.O. Box 454 Kalona, IA 52247 You may also call our local Moss gallery, The Village Shoppe, at 1-888-514-0580.