Moss in the Country Chapter
Daleville, VA

Contact Person
Ethel Yonce, President
(540) 992-5331
The chapter meets the third Monday of every month at 6:00 P.M. at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Daleville, Virginia (across from Kroger’s). At times we have travelled to other places for a program so be sure and check where our meeting is for that particular month.
If it is your first time attending, please call Apple Barn II, 992-3551 for more information.
The Moss in the Country Chapter was chartered in July 25, 1994, with 49 charter members. As of December 31, 2004 we had 80 members and growing. If you would like to meet other “Moss lovers” and have fun, our chapter is the one to join.
Current Projects:
The print “Colonial Winter” by P.Buckley Moss, will be raffled by Moss in the Country as the major fundraiser for 2017. The print has been beautifully framed by the Apple Barb Gallery in Troutville.Va. and has a value of $1,245. the drawing will be held November 20 2017. Tickets are $1.00 each for this remarqued print. The recipients of 2016-2017 fundraising will be the Botetourt food pantry.
Tickets are available now through the Apple Barn Gifts and Gallery 540-992-3551 and also by contacting Ethel Yonce, President at 540-992-5331 or
Past Activities:
Since 1994, we have raised over $59,000 for various organizations in the Botetourt/Roanoke area.
During 2006, we raised $3,800 for the Ronald McDonald House by holding a raffle on a beautiful Moss remarqued print entitled “Country Pleasures.”
During 2005, the Botetourt Food Pantry was the recipient of $2,557 raised by a raffle of a beautiful remarqued print entitled “Cabin in the Hills” by P. Buckley Moss.
During 2004, we raised $4,000 for the Buchanan Resource Center with our second MOSS/LONGABERGER BINGO in the Roanoke Valley.
During 2003, we raised $4,930 for seven Botetourt elementary school art programs by holding a raffle on a beautiful Moss print.
During 2002, we held the first Moss/Longaberger Bingo in the Roanoke Valley and raised $5,000 for “Prevent Child Abuse Roanoke Valley” and $1,000 for a teenager with cancer.
Remarks to Potential Members:
Guests are always welcome! Join in the fun and get to know your “Moss neighbors”. Our mission is to help children especially ones with learning and physical disabilities.