Moss in the New River Value Chapter
Radford, VA

Contact Person
Kay White, President
(276) 228 8212
The chapter meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at various New River Valley locations.
We celebrate our Chapter anniversary in March, with a special dinner or other special activities.
In December we have a Christmas dinner.
Our Chapter was founded in 1992. Moss in the New River Valley invites you to join us for a chapter meeting and meet all the enthusiastic fans of Pat, the great appreciation of Moss Art, and all the good work we do in our area. Our main objective is to help the children in the New River Valley. We have performed substantial fundraisers during our years of existence benefiting Literacy Volunteers of NRV, local libraries, schools, and hospitals, the American Red Cross, Woman’s Resource Center, and scholarships to Wytheville Community College and New River Community College.
Current Projects:
Moss in the New River Valley Chapter members are currently collecting tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, donating yarn/scarves to regional cancer treatment centers and donating raffle funds to the Moss Foundation for Children’s Education.
Past Activities:
In 1995 we worked to endow a scholarship for LD students at Radford University in the amount of $27,000.00.
In 2003, our Chapter held a raffle of a P. Buckley Moss Print and was able to raise $2,262 for the Woman’s Club of Radford’s literacy projects. All the money was spent to buy books for the children of the New River Valley. These include their Babies into Books, “Bib program”, children’s books for the Pediatric and Emergency waiting rooms and books for the Woman’s Resource Center schoolroom. In addition to the raffle to benefit the Literacy programs, our Chapter brought many wonderful books to each meeting to be placed in the bookcases at the hospital for the children or for the schoolroom at the Women’s Resource Center. We also participated in Chapter training, Barn shows and signings with Pat.
Project for 2004: The Moss in the New River Valley chose the Fairview Home in Dublin and the 55 residents as our project for the year. In September 2004, Chapter members visited the Home and met many of the wonderful people. We were able to donate $2,284.66 to the Fairview Home residents with several fundraisers. We auctioned P. Buckley Moss items and collectibles on eBay. Members also donated items and money for the sale. In December we had another auction at our Christmas party.
For our bi-monthly meetings, our members donated stamps, cards, batteries, toiletries, craft supplies, and snacks. These items were then taken to the Fairview Home by Chapter members.
In 2005 we invited different organizations to our chapter meetings to tell us of their projects and what we could do to help them. We had representatives of the area’s food banks come to our meetings and it was decided to bring non-perishable food to each meeting for a different food bank. We also had Donna Tubbs from the Woman’s Resource Center’s after school program. It was decided to bring snacks and school supplies to the meetings for them. In May we returned to the Fairview Home to see how the residents were enjoying their new mattresses, grill, lawn furniture, lamps etc. which we had been able to buy for them.
Some of our work has helped Montgomery County Christmas Store, Presbyterian Children’s Homes, Women’s Resource Center, and New River Valley Aids Coalition.
Relay for Life Team – American Cancer Society, Presbyterian Children’s Home of the Highlands – Wythville, & Joy Ranch – Hillsville are some of the other fundraisers we have been active in. We joined with others Chapters in Virginia and West Virginia publishing MOSS LOVERS COOKBOOK with proceeds of over $35,000.00 going to the Ronald McDonald houses in both States.
Remarks to Potential Members:
The Mission Statement of our Chapter stated “We are to foster awareness and enjoyment of the art of P. Buckley Moss, assist in her local appearances and promote children’s philanthropic activity in her behalf.”
Moss in the New River Valley covers several counties and cities in Southwestern Virginia, such as Carroll, Floyd, Montgomery, Pulaski, and Wytheville, Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Galax, and Radford. This enables us to spread our fundraising efforts over a large area and to help different agencies and organizations through Pat’s art. There are still a majority of the founding members that are active, which speaks well of our group and the work that we have done and continue to do.