Moss on the James Chapter

Richmond, VA


Contact Person

Pat Whitlow
(804) 335-7632


Check back often to hear about other “goings on” of our chapter.

Moss on the James is truly doing what Pat Moss wanted when the Chapters were first started, working in our community to spread hope and joy in the lives of children and adults that have special needs.


Moss on the James was chartered in April 1989 as Chapter 42 of the P. Buckley Moss Society. We currently have approximately 45 active members. We invite P. Buckley Moss collectors in the Richmond area to join us for fun and service to the community.

Current Projects:

We are so excited about this year and hope you will join us in our fun and fellowship working within our community.

We are selling Christmas Ornaments and raffle tickets for our Moss on the James Endowed Scholarship with the P. Buckley Moss Foundation. The scholarship will be presented to a Virginia student who is enrolled in a teacher preparation program in special education or art education. The scholarship check will be sent to the college or university where the student is enrolled.

Past Activities:

Our Sixth Annual Tea Party was held on Saturday, May 4, 2013 at Tanglewood Ordinary in Goochland County. We were pleased to have Pat Moss and her daughter Patty attend our Tea. Proceeds from the Tea will go towards an Endowed Scholarship for a VA college student with the P. Buckley Moss Foundation.

Our past projects include support of a Tea Cup Ministry, started at MCV by the mother of one our members – a tiny silk flower arrangement in a teacup is presented to the patients who cannot receive live flowers or fruit. We have also supported Noah’s Children, a hospice program for children; We endowed a scholarship at The Riverside School, a school for children who learn differently; equestrian therapy programs; Ronald McDonald house; canine rescue programs; framing programs; and print inventory systems.

Each month members earn chances for a year-end drawing of some terrific prizes. Chances are earned by participation during the year. The more active you are the better your chances of winning.

Remarks to Potential Members:

Moss on the James invites Society members in the Richmond, VA and surrounding areas to be a part of our local chapter – become active in our projects focusing on service in our comunity for children’s education, fellowship with other Moss collectors and join us on our trips to The Barn in Waynesboro, VA to visit Pat Moss.