Pat’s Blue Goose Chapter

Gordonsville, VA

two geese outline in black and white

Contact Person

Shirley Collins, President
(540) 872-0294



Welcome to Pat’s Blue Goose web page. The Chapter meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Gordonsville Baptist Church in Gordonsville, VA at 7:00 p.m.

Current Projects:
We are currently working on a project called “The Journey Home”, 2017-2018.

The Housing Ministry of the Journey Home endeavors to solve housing needs in the local community by 1. creating affordable rental housing and by 2. rehabilitating substandard housing for homeowners in need. In the process of addressing these physical needs we also seek to 3. minister to the spiritual needs of those we serve and to 4. build relationships through providing service/ministry opportunities.

Past Activities:

Remarks to Potential Members:
If you have an interest in joining our Chapter, please contact: Shirley Collins, President, either by or by phone: 540-872-0294.