Trees of Life Chapter

Defiance, OH

2015 brochure cover Trees of life chapter

Contact Person

Deb Weisgerber
(419) 782-4311




The Trees of Life Chapter was chartered in January 1992, with members from Defiance, Archbold, Bryan, and Napoleon. We also have members from New York, Michigan, California, Georgia, Kentucky, and Texas!

Current Projects:

The “Trees of Life” (Defiance, Ohio) held their yearly fundraiser this Fall of 2021.  Since they were unable to do their usual “Defiance Has Talent and Heart” due to the  pandemic, they opted for a Raffle event. The recipient was Beckett Hancock, a 9 year  old who is fighting Larsen’s Syndrome, which affects his bones and muscles. He has had multiple surgeries and just took his first steps last September.

Since Beckett’s 9th birthday fell on Sept. 28, the Benefit took on a birthday theme.  The chapter joined together with a local gift shop “The Old Red Barn” at their Fall Open House to sell raffle tickets for 24 different items. The grand prize was Pat’s beautiful print “Promise of Spring” framed by Corner Gallery of Archbold. Attendees were asked to bring a birthday card with a donation enclosed. The total raised was $4,000. It was a fun day! In addition to helping financially, it was a happy celebration of life for a very special young boy!

Beckett Hancock and his family

Beckett Hancock and his family

Deb Weisgerber selling raffle tickets

Deb Weisgerber selling raffle tickets

Past Activities:

Trees of Life donated $20,000 to Hospice-The Caring Way of Defiance for a room at the new in-patient care facility. The room was dedicated on Feb. 15, 2007 in memory of our dear friend, Jeannie Lehman, who passed away in December 2004. The group also donated the giclee “Winter’s Calm” which hangs in the entry. The funds were raised from the sales of a chapter cookbook, “Ohio Traditions with P. Buckley Moss”.

"Trees of Life"  gather for their Holiday Celebration Nov. 2017

"Trees of Life" gather for their Holiday Celebration Nov. 2017

Several members joined Pat at the Society's 30th Anniversary party in Virginia, July of 2017 and enjoyed dining at her son John's restaurant in Luray.

Several members joined Pat at the Society's 30th Anniversary party in Virginia, July of 2017 and enjoyed dining at her son John's restaurant in Luray.

Past Fundraisers:

The total raised from 1992-2017 is $276,000 which has helped children, families, and charitable groups in need of assistance.

Our 2017 benefit project was for Erica Reineck, a high school student recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury as the result of a serious accident.  We raised $20,000 at the “Defiance Has Talent and Heart” -“I Hope You Dance”  Benefit.

Erica with I Hope You Dance Sign

Erica with I Hope You Dance Sign

Pat joins "Trees of Life" members in presenting "Ho-Ho-Ohio" at the Roanoke, VA Convention costume parade in 2013<br />

Pat joins "Trees of Life" members in presenting "Ho-Ho-Ohio" at the Roanoke, VA Convention costume parade in 2013

"Trees of Life" members present "Sisterhood" and "Starlight" at the Dayton, Ohio Convention costume parade in Oct., 2003.<br />

"Trees of Life" members present "Sisterhood" and "Starlight" at the Dayton, Ohio Convention costume parade in Oct., 2003.

Trees of Life Costume Star

Trees of Life Costume Star

Remarks to Potential Members:
We are fortunate to have a wonderful group – currently about 30 members – of all ages and from a variety of backgrounds, but we all share the common thread of a love for Pat’s art and for helping children in need. We share lots of laughs – and some tears – and have developed many treasured friendships.
Dues are $10.00—send to Deb Weisgerber; 1051 Wayne Ave., Defiance, OH 43512
Download our brochure.