Dear Moss Society Members,
Welcome! This is the August 2018 edition of the Moss Society newsletter.
Pat Moss News
Pat has been working at a brisk pace all summer. Patty, her daughter notes that, “her work continues to be astounding. I love the subtle new colors that she is introducing.” You won’t want to miss seeing Pat this fall as she begins her Fall tour soon. Be sure to check her schedule online or in her weekly newsletter as more dates will be added.

New artwork to be released soon.
Society Member News
We are sad to announce the passing of longtime Society member Leland Roe. Many of you may remember that when Pat would visit Iowa, Leland would drive her around. She always looked forward to those visits and seeing his big smile. She referred to him as “my Iowa driver.” We will miss Leland. Thank you to Judy, his wife, for her thoughtful donation to the Moss Foundation in memory of Leland.
The Moss Portfolio has announced that the 2018 Society bead is finally in production! It has been a long journey getting this bead. The Portfolio is grateful for everyone’s extraordinary patience during this time. The bead is beautiful. Take a look!

2018 Society Bead, Heaven's Messenger
Update on the September Society Bus Trip
For all of the guests travelling with Pat on this year’s Fall Society trip, your final payment of $210 is now due. Trip coordinator, Lois Badey, has advised the Society office that there is still room on the bus for anyone who would like to join. This is a unique opportunity to spend 3 days with our favorite artist. For trip information, please follow this link.
Moss Foundation News
Martha Williams just completed and donated a quilt to the Foundation and it is beautiful. The Foundation is so grateful for Martha and all the quilters over the years that made the quilt program such a success.

Becky Ghezzi proudly displays the quilt that Martha Williams donated to the Foundation.
The Foundation will be taking part in Mathews Markets Days on September 7th and 8th. This annual festival held in downtown Mathews, Virginia celebrates its coastal heritage and local artisans. The Foundation booth will be making crowns with children. It will be a wonderful opportunity to extend the reach of the Foundation and spread Pats message, “For the Love of Children.” Quilt raffle tickets will be available for purchase also. Anyone interested in volunteering to help man the booth, please contact the Foundation office at 800-430-1320.
The 2018-19 School year is starting soon. With your help, the Moss Foundation has sent scholarship money to:
*Lindsey Burns, 2018 PBM Endowed Scholarship winner at Texas State University;
*Anna Marie Hollar, 2017 PBM Endowed Scholarship winner at Savannah College of Art & Design;
*Andrew Swiger, 2015 PBM Endowed Scholarship winner at University of So Carolina,
*Sara Mowery, 2018 Martin’s Scholarship winner at Holy Family University;
*Lauren Nelson, 2018 Moss on the James Scholarship winner at Longwood University.
For the 2018-19 School Year, Teachers Grants were awarded to the following:
*Brittany McFarland, Mary Todd Elementary in Lexington, KY;
*Katie Blair, Athens Intermediate School in W. Athens, AL;
*Laura McGreevey, Kings Way Christian School in Vancouver, WA;
*Elizabeth List, SC School for Deaf & Blind in Spartanburg, SC;
*Courtney Brown, Bright Horizon’s ESE Center School in Deerfield Beach, FL;
*Cindy Rosser, Creekside Elementary in Anchorage, AK.
A big thank you to everyone who has supported the Foundation through donation of time and money. Look at what an impact we are having. Also thank you to those of you who have come to the annual fundraising dinner and/or participated in the mail return labels program. Because of all of us working together, we help secure the future for our children.
Chapter News
Moss Country Friends in Kalona, Iowa just celebrated its 24th birthday. Congratulations are in order to this steadfast chapter whose mission statement says it all, “To foster awareness and enjoyment of the art of P. Buckley Moss and assist her at local appearances, promoting philanthropic activities in her behalf. Proceeds from Chapter fundraisers and activities will be used to make a positive difference in the lives of children who are mentally and physically challenged.”
President Nancy Brenneman states that sales of raffle tickets for a remarqued “The Cheese House” are going well. They are also having a dinner and auction on October 20th in the Historical Museum of Kalona. This is the same weekend of the Moss show, October 19-20.
So many good things are happening in the Lake Marburg Moss Chapter in Hanover, PA! Recently they collected, filled and donated 31 book bags for their Back-to-School Supply Drive. The bags were put together for school children of all ages. They are being donated to God’s Meal Barrel who will distribute them to needy children in the area. Additionally, Lake Marburg continues to support their adopted son Josh. Currently they are accepting donations to assist Josh’s father with dental expenses not covered by insurance. Thank you Lake Marburg for your love and support of community.