Dear Moss Society Members,

Welcome! This is the December 2017 edition of the monthly Moss Society newsletter.

Pat Moss News

Pat is closing out her busy fall show season. She has been delighted to reconnect with many of you. She thanks you for your efforts in your communities to make them a better place to live. She says, “It’s good to help one another, after all none of us got here by ourselves.”

Pat recently received notification from the Commonwealth of Virginia Commission for the Arts that she was to receive an award for Outstanding Artist- Visual Arts. This award is part of a program that the Commission designed for their 50th anniversary celebration to be held in 2018. The program is titled “50 for 50 Arts Inspirations Awards” and is to commemorate 50 programs, individuals and organizations critical to arts in Virginia over the last 50 years. Pretty amazing!


Membership Brooches

Good news! The Moss Portfolio is producing brooches and fulfilling membership renewals at a rapid rate. The kiln is firing porcelain daily. Two major equipment failures have been resolved thanks to the cooperative thinking of the Moss staff.


2018 Membership Renewals

Beginning January 1, 2018 the 2018 Society membership renewals will be on a new fee schedule. Below is the new fee chart; changes are in red.

Age:  0-19
Classic:  $28, Choice:  $80, Premier:  $95

Age:  20-59
Classic:  $38, Choice:  $85, Premier:  $100

Age:  60-74
Classic:  $33, Choice:  $80, Premier:  $95

AGE:  75 & up
Classic:  $25, Choice:  $70, Premier:  $85


Please take time to read the chart as the new fee schedule will affect many of our members. The Moss Society has made these changes to honor and accommodate our long-term members. In addition to the revised fee schedule, members will enjoy another benefit. For Members Only Prints and/or any print specifically designated for fundraising for the P. Buckley Moss Foundation, there will be no shipping charges.

Foundation News

The raffle of the Mother and Child quilt by Robin Jones was a resounding success. The winner was Judy Mitchell of Rockingham, Virginia. $1853 was raised by the raffle and put into the P. Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship fund. Thank you to everyone who sold tickets, bought tickets and displayed the quilt in their galleries. We all win when educational assistance is provided for children.

What’s New

The Moss Holiday gift guide is available online. Pat has created 4 new ornaments for this year and they are gorgeous. Victorian Winter is one of the new additions and features the Alexander Black House in Blacksburg, Virginia. Below is a link that will take you to the gift guide.

Chapter News

All chapters are encouraged to send news and photos of your activities in your communities. Please send to You are also welcome to call the Society office 804-725-7378 if that is more convenient for you. We love hearing from you.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all. Let’s walk together into the New Year.