Dear Moss Society Members,

Welcome! This is the second newsletter of 2020.

Pat Moss News

As always, Pat has a schedule full of events and activities. She did take time this last week away from her drawing table to be with her daughters Mary and Becky. The three of them attended a local P.E.O. Chapter meeting and the women’s basketball game at Virginia Tech. Her next public appearance will be in Des Moines, Iowa for the release of the fundraising print for IPTV on March 1st. Since the publication of the last Society newsletter, 4 more shows have been added for 2020. They are:

King James Galleries in Winchester, VA on April 4th,

3rd Avenue Art Gallery in Huntington, WV on May 16th,

King James Galleries in Winchester, VA on October 17th,

Gallery Art Center in Columbus, OH on December 11th and 12th.

Daughters Mary (L) and Becky with Pat at the P.E.O. meeting.

Daughters Mary (L) and Becky with Pat at the P.E.O. meeting.

Moss Society News

The P Buckley Moss Endowed Scholarship application period is underway until March 31st. Society members and local chapters are encouraged to make your local schools aware of this program. The application can be readily accessed by following this link.

Here are our current students who are benefitting from all of the Society’s hard work and support of the Foundation’s scholarship program. We should all take pride in knowing that we have helped make a difference in someone’s life.

Here are our current students who are benefitting from all of the Society’s hard work and support of the Foundation’s scholarship program. We should all take pride in knowing that we have helped make a difference in someone’s life.

Attention Society Chapter presidents: please send your 2019 chapter reports. Thank you to those who’ve already done so.

 Moss Foundation News

Tickets for the Moss Foundation Dinner are now available for purchase online at Eventbrite,, or by calling the Foundation office at 800-430-1320. We are having a down home style picnic and you are invited! It is scheduled for July 11th at the Memorial Patio at Pat’s Waynesboro, VA home. We are really excited about this year’s menu. Fishin’ Pig of Waynesboro will be on site preparing the best fried chicken and fish that you may have ever had. There will be a fresh tossed salad and a mashed potato bar for your sides. Fishin’ Pig also bakes their own rolls and we have ordered extra because you will want more than one. Coffee, tea, water, wine and beer are also included in your ticket. Musical guests are The Little Tangents of Richmond, VA. We invite you to visit the Eventbrite site to see a video clip of the band and pictures from previous dinners. (Be sure to look for the gate crashing cat.)

***For our vegan and gluten free attendees, we have alternate dinner options for you. These tickets can only be purchased by calling the Foundation office and need to be ordered by June 25th.

2019 Moss Foundation Dinner

2019 Moss Foundation Dinner

For the dinner, the patio will be decorated in Moss artwork that will part of a silent auction. At your leisure, browse this extensive collection of unique Moss art. Your successful bid on any item is a gift that will help provide educational opportunities for learning different students, who, like P Buckley Moss, benefit from the integration of art into studies. The monies raised from the silent and live auctions will go into programs such as the Teacher Grants, Summer Arts Education Fund and the PBM Endowed Scholarship that the Moss Foundation administers. To learn more about these programs, please visit our website

Collectors Corner

For Sale: Renewal brooches 1991-2018, mint condition in boxes. $1,500.  Call 515-238-4770, leave message

Send your chapter news to We love hearing from you.