Dear Moss Society Members,
Welcome! This is the first newsletter for 2019.
Pat Moss News
Pat enjoyed the fall tour season. She was delighted to reconnect with so many of you, and as always, made new friends everywhere. For some much needed rest, she is on a 7 day Western Caribbean Cruise with her daughters Mary and Patty. She wishes everyone a Happy New Year.
Moss Society News
We are pleased to announce the return of the Special Seasonal Society Print. This program was introduced in January of 2018 with the goal of having a small seasonal print available every quarter of the year for Society members to purchase, with the added bonus of helping the Moss Foundation. These prints will be shipped no charge and will provide a 5% donation to benefit the P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education. Each giclee will be available to all collectors, but only current Society members will benefit from the free shipping and Foundation donation. When ordering this print, please provide your membership number.
There is a designated date by which the print needs to be purchased to qualify for free shipping and donation. All four prints are $45 each.
Winter: January 01, 2019 – March 31, 2019 Spring: April 1, 2019 – June 30, 2019
Summer: July 1, 2019 – September 30, 2019
Fall: October 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019
Here are the prints that Pat has selected for this year.

Scarlet Duo, Winter print, IS: 7-1/2 x 3 ins. Available now.

Spring Nest, Spring print, IS: 5-11/16 x 4 ins. Available April 1st.

Simple Elegance, Summer print, IS: 6-1/2 x 3-1/5 ins. Available July 1st.

Barnyard Talk, Fall print, IS: 3-11/16 x 6 ins. Available October 1st.
The brooches for 2019 are in production. Pat chose a butterfly image for the adult members and a collie for the juniors. Here is what they look like.

2019 Membership Brooches

Collie Pin 2019 Membership brooches
Foundation News
The Moss Foundation extends its gratitude to all Society members for helping to make 2018 a successful year. The 2018 Quilt Raffle was held at the Waynesboro Gallery on Sunday December 9th during a snowstorm. Shirley Collins braved the weather to bring the drawing basket to Pat. This year’s winner was Thomas G. Hayes. The quilt was lovingly donated by Lana Kleimon of Georgia and raised $1729.00. Many thanks to everyone who assisted in this raffle, which includes a number of Moss Galleries. Be sure to look for another quilt raffle in 2019. Tickets will be available in February.
The Moss Foundation Fundraising Dinner will be held on July 13, 2019. You’ll need to put this on your calendar because you won’t want to miss this special dinner with Pat at her home in Waynesboro! More details will follow in future newsletters.
Chapter News
Thank you to chapter presidents who have sent their year-end reports to the Society office. If you haven’t sent your report yet, please do so. Photos are most welcome and some of them will be featured in the upcoming Sentinel Letter.
From the Moss Society and the Foundation offices, we wish everyone a Happy New Year!