Dear Moss Society Members,

Welcome! This is this first newsletter of 2020.

 Pat Moss News

What a whirlwind the close of 2019 was for Pat! She said that she thoroughly enjoyed each and every show and is looking forward to what 2020 has in store. Did you know that from September until December she went to Iowa (2 times), Ohio (3 times), Pennsylvania, and Tennessee in addition to popping around the state of Virginia. Her schedule for 2020 is up on the website and will be continually updated. Here is what it looks like currently:






P. Buckley Moss Gallery

Blacksburg, VA

(540) 552-6446






P. Buckley Moss Barn Show

Waynesboro, VA

(540) 949-6473






Cultural Arts Center

Glen Allen, VA

(804) 261-2787






P. Buckley Moss Barn Show

Waynesboro, VA

(540) 949-6473






Steppin’ Out & Gallery Show

Blacksburg, VA

(540) 552-6446






Mathews Market Days

Mathews, VA

(800) 430-1320


Frames and More

Osage, IA

(641) 832-3067






Berlin Creek Gallery

Berlin, OH

(330) 893-2686


P. Buckley Moss Barn Show

Waynesboro, VA

(540) 949-6473


Canada Goose Gallery

Waynesville, OH

(513) 897-4348






P. Buckley Moss Barn Show

Waynesboro, VA

(540) 949-6473


You’ll want to make plans to see Pat this year. Think about having dinner with her at her Waynesboro, VA home on July 11th, when she hosts the Annual Fundraising Dinner for The P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education.

For her first show this year on February 8th and 9th, she will be releasing a new print of Mabry Mill. Here is a preview of Winter’s Reverie, Mabry Mill.

Winter’s Reverie, Mabry Mill. Mabry Mill is located on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the proximity of Floyd, VA.

Winter’s Reverie, Mabry Mill. Mabry Mill is located on the Blue Ridge Parkway in the proximity of Floyd, VA.

Moss Society News

2020 marks our 33rd year as an organization. This is a tremendous achievement that each and every one of you should take pride in. We are excited to share with you your exclusive members-only membership items for this year.

This beautiful brooch is for the 2020 Adult members and is titled, A Peaceful Time.</p>

This beautiful brooch is for the 2020 Adult members and is titled, A Peaceful Time.

Ever Vigilant is the Junior members pin. We think everyone is going to want one of these, so we are making extras. Did you know that as an Adult Member you have the option to purchase a Junior pin for $20?

2020_jr_pEver Vigilant is the Junior members pin. We think everyone is going to want one of these, so we are making extras. Did you know that as an Adult Member you have the option to purchase a Junior pin for $20?in

This year’s member gift print is heartwarming and appropriately named, Our Lady.

This year’s member gift print is heartwarming and appropriately named, Our Lady.

The Adult Members-Only print, Solace, will be $80.

The Adult Members-Only print, Solace, will be $80.

Across the Pond, the Junior Members-Only print. The print will be $50.

Across the Pond, the Junior Members-Only print. The print will be $50.

As you can see, being a member really has its perks. The bead for 2020 features one of Pat’s iconic barns. We will publish a picture of it here and in Pat’s weekly newsletter upon receipt of the finished version from our jeweler. The very popular pendant is returning again for 2020, and will share the same image as the bead. As a Choice or Premier member, you may choose either the bead or the pendant. Please note that at this membership level, you may purchase one additional bead or pendant for $62.

For a full listing of membership levels and their benefits, please visit

The Society office has received the 2019 Chapter reports from only 4 chapters so far. We encourage chapter presidents to complete the annual report so that we may release the chapter companion prints to eligible members. To be eligible to receive one of these prints, you must be a current member of the Moss Society and have met the criteria for membership as stated by each chapter’s charter. We look forward to hearing from you!!

On the Prowl, the 2019 Chapter Member print.

On the Prowl, the 2019 Chapter Member print.

The 2020 Moss Society trip to the British Isles (May 22- June 5) has come together nicely. If you still have interest in going, you may contact Collette Travel at 800-852-5655. Our reservation number is 943245. If you haven’t heard about the trip, here is a link to the itinerary.

 Moss Foundation News

First and foremost, the Moss Foundation would like to thank departing President Sandy Moore for her service the past 9 years. Sandy’s gentle guidance and hard work will certainly be missed. A big thank you also goes out to departing Vice President Peggy Goodwin. Peggy has worked with the Moss Society and Foundation in some capacity since its inception. The Foundation would also like to welcome new board member Toni Jernigan. Toni has been a Moss Society member since 1996, and served as the Mossaphile Chapter president.

The 2020 Moss Foundation Mailing return label program is already underway. The Foundation offers its gratitude for the extraordinary success of this program in 2019. Together we raised $3,721.08 from this program. This paid for 3 PBM Endowed Scholarships. Well done! The labels will be out to Society members in March. If you would like more of the previous year’s labels, you may order them by sending a request to, or by calling 800-430-1320. The Foundation office hours are 9-5 Eastern, M-F. There are many images to choose from.

Available Moss Foundation Mailing Labels

Available Moss Foundation Mailing Labels

Shadows of Spring will be the special print for the 2020 Foundation fundraising. The order form for this print will be included in your mailing label packet. Part of the proceeds from the sale of this print directly benefit the Foundation.

Shadows of Spring will be the special print for the 2020 Foundation fundraising. The order form for this print will be included in your mailing label packet. Part of the proceeds from the sale of this print directly benefit the Foundation.

Earlier in this letter we mentioned the 2020 Annual Fundraising Dinner in Waynesboro. The date will be July 11th from 6-9 pm. Details are still being worked out with the caterer. We are hopeful that the ticket price will remain only $40. If you missed last year’s event, you missed a good one! Watch Pat’s weekly newsletter and this letter, as well as the P Buckley Moss Artist page on Facebook for updates. The event will be listed on EventBrite, which gives you the option of purchasing your tickets online.

The 2019 Teacher Grants for the 2020-21 school year were decided on by the Grants Committee. We are pleased to announce the following winners along with a description of their program.

Hillel Torah, Skokie, IL 60077. Teacher: Debra Goldstein

$1,000 for art supplies (mosaic tiles, glazes and related product) for the “Being True to Oneself” program. Debra will guide students as they explore art from other cultures, examining self-expression of beliefs and culture which is reflective of the environment in which we live in. Each student will then paint a tile to express concepts/feelings which will be used in a large communal mosaic. 25% of the student population receive accommodation or academic modification due to learning differences. This all-inclusive program will build individual self-confidence and re-enforce community cooperation.

Fall Branch School, Fall Branch, TN 37656. Teacher: Amber Pugh, Principal: Mark Merriman

$975.44 for art supplies (mosaic tiles and related product) for “Celebrating the Diverse Cultures around Us.” This school wide program celebrates the culture and nature around the rural school in connection to the world. Using mosaic tiles, students will express experiencing influences from cultures ranging from American to Hispanic to Asian. Fall Branch School has a student population of 258, with 41 students with learning differences.

Edwards School, Portland, OR 97202. Teacher: Sarah Parker

$1,000 for art supplies (all types: construction paper, markers, clay, etc.) for enhanced learning with the use of art. Edwards School is partnered with Portland Public Schools to provide mental health services while supporting a successful learning experience in the classroom. Coping mechanisms are developed. 80% of the student population has a learning difference. Each art program will have specific goals based upon adaptations needed for a particular learning task.

Dr. John Folks Middle School, San Antonio, TX .
Teacher: Christina Cardenas

$494.85 for art supplies (printmaking kit, paper, canvas) for a combined introduction to the history of photography and printmaking. Students will create their own designs while learning about cyanotype processing. Instruction will include analyzing and interpretation of photographic works of art. 20% of the students involved have accommodations for learning differences.

As Moss Society members, you help make all of these programs possible. Thank you.

 Collectors Corner

For Sale: Renewal brooches 1991-2018, mint condition in boxes. $1,500.  Call 515-238-4770, leave message
Send your chapter news to We love hearing from you.