Dear Moss Society Members,

Welcome! This is the third newsletter of 2020.

 Pat Moss News

Pat is at her Radford home. She said she is grateful for her home and her family. She added that during this time of uncertainty she finds calmness and peace in watching nature.

There have been modifications in her upcoming show schedule that you need to be aware of. Here is the current list of changes:

April 4th Gallery Open House with King James Galleries of Winchester, VA has been postponed until fall of 2020.

April 24-26 Annual Spring Barn Show and Gallery Open House will be held as a virtual event on April 25-26. For detailed information as this special event unfolds, please follow the P Buckley Moss Gallery of Waynesboro Facebook page at

July 11th Moss Foundation Annual Fundraising Dinner has been postponed until 2021. Purchased tickets for this event have been refunded. The Foundation Board looks forward to the time we move past the COVID-19 pandemic and can be reunited again.

Moss Society News

A big thank you goes out to all Moss Society members who have supported this year’s Moss Foundation return mailing labels program. We especially are enjoying all the notes and letters that have accompanied the donations. Your thoughtful and timely donations are helping to offset the loss of income that was sustained by the cancellation of the Foundation Dinner. Please note that the Foundation office is now able to print the 2020 labels should you need more. Just email your request to or call 800-430-1320. The current hours for the Society and Foundation offices are: 8 am – 5 pm Eastern, Mon-Thu, and Fridays 8 am until noon. These hours are subject to change at any time.


Collectors Corner

For Sale: Renewal brooches 1991-2018, mint condition in boxes. $1,500.  Call 515-238-4770, leave message 


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