Dear Moss Society Member,

Welcome! This is the May 2023 newsletter.

Pat Moss News

Pat is less than one month away from celebrating her 90th birthday. We are so happy that she has arrived at this milestone with good health and that sense of humor we all love. She has one spring show remaining on May 6th and 7th with the P Buckley Moss Gallery of Blacksburg before she embarks on the Moss Society British Isles Tour. Pat will celebrate her 90th while on the tour. For anyone who would like to send her a birthday card, here is the address:

P Buckley Moss or Pat Moss

c/o Moss Galleries

74 Poplar Grove Lane

Mathews, VA 23109

Moss Society News

Beginning with this newsletter, we will be resuming our regular monthly e-newsletter. We have overcome the many challenges thrown at us from the last 3 years and are moving forward. The Moss Society is strong and growing. We are happy to have you with us on this journey.

Speaking of journeys, The Moss Society trip with Pat is less than 2 weeks away! All travelers should have received a document package from Collette. In this packet you will find your boarding passes and hotel reservation information. We recommend that you take a look at the section regarding currency exchange and projected weather conditions. For any questions you may have, contact Collette using the phone number in your packet. If you haven’t received your packet, please contact Mary in the Society office at 800-430-1320 for assistance.

We have pictures of the 2023 membership items to share with you. The Adult brooch image was pulled from a very popular and long sold-out print titled, Appalachian Spring. To compliment the adult brooch, the junior brooch selected has the image of Pat’s print Spring in Bloom. As a reminder, adult members are eligible to purchase one additional adult brooch at $25 and/or a junior brooch for $20.

Adult Membership Items

 2023 Adult porcelain membership brooch Appalachian Spring.

2023 Adult porcelain membership brooch Appalachian Spring.

 Please note that the clasp with the necklace loop on it is no longer being manufactured. This necessitated a change to a different clasp. The replacement clasp is the same size.

Please note that the clasp with the necklace loop on it is no longer being manufactured. This necessitated a change to a different clasp. The replacement clasp is the same size.

The 2023 Members-Only print (MOP) is titled Winter Pastorale. The image size is 8-9/16” x 11.” $80. The order form is included with your membership kit. For members who do not have a local Moss dealer to work with, please send the entire order form to Moss Galleries, 74 Poplar Grove Lane, Mathews, VA 23109 and we will send the print to you.

The 2023 Members-Only print (MOP) is titled Winter Pastorale. The image size is 8-9/16” x 11.” $80. The order form is included with your membership kit. For members who do not have a local Moss dealer to work with, please send the entire order form to Moss Galleries, 74 Poplar Grove Lane, Mathews, VA 23109 and we will send the print to you.

Pat always provides a gift to all new and renewing adult and junior members. This year’s gift is her new black and white print Farm Friend. We are currently experiencing a delay in production of this print and it will not be in member kits being shipped now.

Pat always provides a gift to all new and renewing adult and junior members. This year’s gift is her new black and white print Farm Friend. We are currently experiencing a delay in production of this print and it will not be in member kits being shipped now.

Junior Membership Items

2023 Junior membership brooch Spring in Bloom.

2023 Junior membership brooch Spring in Bloom.

Lighter Than Air is the 2023 Junior Members-Only Print. The image size is 5-1/2” x 7.” $50<br />

Lighter Than Air is the 2023 Junior Members-Only Print. The image size is 5-1/2” x 7.” $50

Moss Foundation News

2023 is shaping up to be a wonderful year for the Moss Foundation. We have benefited from several large donations of framed Moss artwork. Moss art donations are one of the vehicles we use to raise funds for our children’s education programs. Some unique items will be available at the Moss Foundation Dinner silent auction in Waynesboro on July 15, 2023. At the time of this writing, there are 2 tickets available. Once the dinner is sold out, anyone interested in attending may call Mary at the foundation office and ask to be put on the wait list. The number is 800-430-1320.

Here’s your invitation to dinner with Pat Blue Ridge home for dinner to benefit the Moss Foundation. For all the details, please follow this link.

Here’s your invitation to dinner with Pat Blue Ridge home for dinner to benefit the Moss Foundation. For all the details, please follow this link.

Have you seen the 2023 Moss Foundation Raffle Quilt? This gorgeous quilt was created and made by Martha Williams, and we are grateful for her extraordinary donation. The raffle drawing will be held at the P Buckley Moss Gallery of Waynesboro on Sunday, December 3, 2023. Throughout the year Pat Moss will be bringing the quilt to all of her gallery appearances so that you can see it. Tickets, as always, are only $3 each or 2 for $5. Anyone interested in purchasing tickets, may call the office at 800-430-1320, or email

Martha Williams and the 2023 Moss Foundation Raffle Quilt. The dimensions are 66” x 66.”  Photos just don’t capture the subtle beauty.

Martha Williams and the 2023 Moss Foundation Raffle Quilt. The dimensions are 66” x 66.” Photos just don’t capture the subtle beauty.

Our annual mail return labels have been sent out. We love the labels and hope you do too. Anyone wishing to order more may do so by emailing

 The 2023 mail return labels feature Pat’s print Twilight Reflections.

The 2023 mail return labels feature Pat’s print Twilight Reflections.

 Moss Galleries is graciously donating 20% of the proceeds from the print sale of Our Way Home. The order form was included with your mailing labels. To date we have received orders for over 60 prints! Thank you for sharing Pat’s and our vision for facilitating educational opportunities for children who learn differently.

Moss Galleries is graciously donating 20% of the proceeds from the print sale of Our Way Home. The order form was included with your mailing labels. To date we have received orders for over 60 prints! Thank you for sharing Pat’s and our vision for facilitating educational opportunities for children who learn differently.

Over the next year the Moss Foundation Board will be accepting applications for board members. If you are interested in making a difference in children’s lives, please contact  for information on how to apply.

Collectors Corner

Framed P Buckley Moss original watercolor: The delightful image features Pat’s classic Plain children; a girl on a swing with two little boys hanging on for dear life. The frame features gold, ridged, wooden molding. Overall dimensions, 13 x 17-1/2 ins.; dimensions inside matting, 7-3/4 x 11-3/4 ins. Painting has been signed: Moss ’85 and also signed: P Buckley Moss and registered with the P Buckley Moss Museum. Will accept $750.00 or highest offer above that amount. Shipping and insurance are not included. Please contact Carol and Frank Stover at 262-949-1440 or email: with any questions or interest.

Stover. Representative B&W image of color original.

Stover. Representative B&W image of color original.

Unframed Prints for Sale:

The Night Before Christmas (1984) is numbered 8849/9297. Image size 8-1/2 x 8-1/4 ins. $50 plus shipping.

Christmas Snowman (1990) is numbered 1119/6897. Image size 7 x 7 ins. $75 plus shipping.

Winter’s Babes (1986) is numbered 37/1000. Image size 6-5/8 x 4 ins. $75 plus shipping. All are in excellent condition, still in shrink wrap except for a slit at he the bottom for a P Buckley Moss signature to be added to the print. Contact Patricia Stark at 978-319-5366 or email

Representative images of prints for sale (from

Representative images of prints for sale (from


Suzie, issued & purchased 1982, 473/1000. $370.00

Nancy, issued & purchased 1985, 175/1000. $875.00

Sisters Two, issued & purchased 1984, 496/1000. $400.00

Family Heritage, issued & purchased 1989, 936/9878. $375.00

Church of the Land, issued & purchased 1990, 15/1000. $450.00
All matted and framed; original owner.
Contact Ann Pontow at 816-519-0159 or

Send your chapter news to We love hearing from you.