Dear Moss Society Members,
Welcome! This is the November/December 2018 edition of the Moss Society newsletter.
Pat Moss News
Pat Moss just released her Christmas print for 2018 and it is gorgeous. She has incorporated the landscape surrounding her Radford home into a winter piece that extends a warm invitation to visit. Moss Galleries operations officer Patty Moss says, “even though this piece was created for Christmas, it has an appeal that will make you keep it on your wall year-round.” Take a look!

Foundation office manager Mary Morgan happily shows off her new print, All Roads Lead Home, the 2018 Moss Christmas print. The image is 8-1/2” x 11”, and it is available for purchase for $80.

All Roads Lead Home
Pat has also announced that she is giving the Moss Foundation a donation of the funds that she usually spends on drawing, producing and mailing Christmas cards. She stated,” Our children need it more.” Many thanks to Pat and all Society members whose thoughtful donations of time and money allow the Foundation to continue its mission of providing educational opportunities for those who learn differently.
Moss Society News
The fourth and final piece for the Moss Society Seasonal print collection, Autumn’s Canopy, is now available for purchase. The print is 3-1/4 x 7-1/16 ins and priced at $45. Five percent of the proceeds from the sale of this print will benefit the Moss Foundation through December 31, 2018. As an additional bonus, shipping of the print will be no charge to active Society members during this time period.

Autumn’s Canopy, the fourth Moss Society seasonal print.
There is nothing better than a gathering of family and friends, and that certainly holds true for the Moss Society family. We’d like to share a few pictures from the fall society tour. This short and informative bus tour was outstanding. Many thanks to Moss family friend and Society member Lois Badey for putting this trip together.

Photo of McCormick Farm house. Pat was intrigued with this particular stop. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for her to paint this? It was very special for all of us on the trip to see these Virginia landmarks through Pat’s eyes.
The next Moss Society trip is to Italy, May 26th – June 7th 2019. Highlights of this trip include Rome, Piedmont, Garda Lake and wonderful Venice. To view the itinerary, please follow this link.
As of November 15, 2018, there are 6 spots available on this fantastic trip. Pat’s daughter Becky is happy to answer any questions that you may have. She can be reached at the Moss Blacksburg Gallery at 540-552-6446.

Pat with daughters Patty (L) and Becky from 2017 Society Italy trip.
Foundation News
During this season of Thanksgiving, the Moss Foundation would like it extend its gratitude to everyone who has helped make this year a success. Because Moss Galleries has donated a home for the Foundation office, the donations received go right to work helping students. The current fundraiser of the 2018 Foundation Quilt raffle is coming to a close soon. The drawing is to be held in the Waynesboro Gallery on December 9, 2018. Pat and Shirley Collins drew the lucky winning ticket last year. The Foundation office reports that the lucky ticket may still be available. For ticket inquiries and purchase, please email or call 800-430-1320.

Your raffle tickets are waiting!
Chapter News
The Moss Country Friends fundraiser dinner and auction event of October 20th was a fantastic success. They exceeded their financial goal to purchase an adaptive walker, and are now able to extend additional help for other projects. The weekend event coincided with the Village Shoppe’s final show with Pat Moss. Shop owner Doris Greiner was on hand and so many wonderful memories were revisited. Thank you Moss Country Friends for your hard work. As chapter president Nancy Breneman says,” we may be a small chapter in numbers, but we make up for it in our willingness to tackle jobs and get things done.” Well said.
Moss on the James is currently working on hosting their annual tea and auction to benefit a Richmond area charity. The tea is scheduled for May 4, 2019 and Pat Moss will be attending. Currently under consideration for funding is Richmond’s “Change the World RVA” program that reaches out and provides services to homeless Richmond area students. They provide afterschool programs, tutoring, college visits, a student-run food pantry and clothing closet, phones, transportation, and housing. Many thanks to this chapter for the hard work and love given to your community.
“Blessed is the influence of one true, loving soul on another.”
-George Eliot
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you from the world of Moss.