Dear Moss Society Members,

Welcome! This is the October 2017 edition of the monthly Moss Society newsletter.

Italy Trip

The Moss Society trip to Italy has concluded to rave reviews. Highlights of the trip included stops in Rome, Florence, Siena and an extended stay in magical Cortona. Guides Becky and Roberto put together a fantastic journey with the help of travel agency Time Around Tuscany. A visit to the Amalfi Coast rounded out the end of the trip with an afternoon exploration of Pompeii.

Group Photo

Group Photo

Tuscan Countryside</p>

Tuscan Countryside

View of Cortona</p>

View of Cortona

What’s New

The wine glasses have arrived! The new wine glass features a solitary Moss goose and the Moss logo. They will be available at Moss dealers soon. Contact your local dealer for information.

The wine glasses have arrived

The wine glasses have arrived

Chapter News

Welcome new members! Between June 1st and September 30th we have been joined by:

Maili Yohe, Mike Herer, Sandra Wiltshire, Gregory Donlon, Barbara Aldrich, Elaine Powell, Dorothy Hester, Stacy Edwards, Brenda Pendleton and Gwendolyn Vogler.

We continue to grow as we begin our 31st year.

“Trees of Life”, the NW Ohio branch Chapter of the P. Buckley Moss Society sent in their newsletter.  This lively Chapter started the 2017 year off with a celebration of the Chapter’s 25th birthday. Congratulations to Trees of Life for this outstanding accomplishment. Recently they held a benefit for Erica Reineck, a local dancer who is recovering from an accident. Pat Moss is looking forward to seeing them at the Moss Show at Berlin Creek Gallery in Berlin, Ohio October 6-7.

At the January meeting, Trees of Life celebrated their 25th birthday with a special cake and candle.

At the January meeting, Trees of Life celebrated their 25th birthday with a special cake and candle.

“Daughter of the Stars” Chapter of Strasburg, VA gave a scholarship to Cedric Laird for use this fall as he is attending John Tyler Community College. Chapter president, Jeanette Dovel said that the $500 scholarship money was raised through a print auction and a hanging basket sale.

Happy Cedric Laird holding his check from Daughter of the Stars Chapter.

Happy Cedric Laird holding his check from Daughter of the Stars Chapter.

“Lake Marburg Moss” Society Chapter of Hanover, PA has been busy. With the assistance of Martin’s Gallery, the members put together 39 backpacks filled with supplies for the local Back to School Supply Drive. The backpacks were provided to needy school children of all ages. The approximate cost to fill a backpack was $35- $40.

Many thanks to president Sally Gobrecht and the 20 members of this Chapter who made this donation possible.

Lake Marburg’s Back-to-School Supply Drive

Lake Marburg’s Back-to-School Supply Drive

“Moss on the James”, Richmond, VA continues its strong commitment to making Richmond better. Their latest project is a Soup ‘n Salad Supper at “the doorways”, a hospitality house connected with the VCU Medical Center.

And finally, we would like to extend our thanks to “Essence of Moss” Chapter of Poland, OH. Their members made a cash donation to Sojourner House of Youngstown, a battered women’s support organization. Sadly they elected to disband at the end of 2016.

Do you have news from your Moss Society Chapter? Please email information to our office by the third week of the month.

Foundation News

The final day for submission for the 2017 Teacher’s Grants was September 30th. The Foundation awarded 5 grants in 2016 to be used in the 2017-2018 school year. We have received 37 (so far) requests for assistance for art programs from all over the United States. Thank you to Society members and Moss collectors everywhere whose donations are making this much needed help readily available. There are 3 members on the Grant review committee who have a lot of homework to do! They will be reading and evaluating the requests and determining the winners by the end of December.

Big box of teacher grant requests submitted.

Big box of teacher grant requests submitted.

The Fall Foliage Festival in Waynesboro, VA is on October 14-15. Look for the Foundation booth downtown as we will be selling raffle tickets for the beautiful quilt “Mother and Child.” There will also be a silent auction of two prints, one for each day.

Membership Kits

Patty Moss would like to inform you that the distribution center continues to run behind on membership fulfillment kits. A lingering issue with the porcelain transfer decal quality has slowed the manufacturing down. If you have questions regarding your membership please call 800-430-1320. She apologizes for the inconvenience but we do not want to send out any inferior products. Stay tuned.

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” 
― Kahlil Gibran