Welcome Moss Society Members!
This is this first edition of the new monthly Society newsletter. We are excited to provide this extra communication to you. We aspire to keep you up to date on all things Moss. The Sentinel will continue to be published quarterly, but only one time per year on paper. In an effort to keep membership costs low, we have adopted this electronic form. For those few people that electronic communications are not accessible, please let us know and we can arrange for postal mailing. The address is listed at the end of this newsletter.
At age 84, Pat Moss is as vibrant and alive as ever. She continues to paint daily and her new work is astounding. Her charitable visions are being carried forward by the Society and the Moss Foundation for Children’s Education. To quote her, “Life is good.” Thank you to all Society members for being part of a greater good.
In this newsletter we would like to include news from Chapters, so send it in by email to society@pbuckleymoss.com by the third week of the month. Pictures are welcome too.
What’s New
We have some different Moss products headed your way. Over the last couple of years, we have received requests for more wine glasses and a flower pillow. Good news! Both are in production and in a future newsletter we will have the release dates. Additionally, Pat is working with Northcott on a fabric line.

2017 Pillow
Society Renewals
We have gotten behind on Society renewal fulfillments. We apologize for any inconvenience that this creates for you. This year we have streamlined our processes and worked steadily to stay on time. We still have a ways to go and wanted to let you know. When you have questions about your membership, you may contact us @ society@pbuckleymoss.com or by calling 800-430-1320. We love hearing from you.
2017 Society Italy Trip
Our Italy trip is just around the corner! Pat and her daughter Becky will be headed there September 14th. The trip starts on September 19th and concludes on the 1st of October. Becky, her husband Roberto, and Patty Moss will be the group guides. Highlights of the trip include visits to Rome, Tuscany and the Amalfi Coast. At each location visited, the group will be treated to local culture, history and of course, some of the best food on earth! (Just ask the Italians) Pat says she is looking forward to all the walking. Pictures in next newsletter. To view the itinerary, please click this link.
Foundation News
The Moss Foundation for Children’s Education has moved to Mathews, Virginia. Mary Morgan is the new office manager. The phone number is 800-430-1320.
The Foundation is looking for volunteers to help “man the booth” at the Fall Barn Show and Gallery Open House, to be held in Waynesboro, Virginia. The dates are October 13- 15. Interested persons please contact the Foundation office @ 800-430-1320. The booth will be set up on Main St in Waynesboro. We will be selling raffle tickets for the beautiful quilt. Additionally, a kids fun area will be set up for children to make masks. It will be a lot fun. Waynesboro and the surrounding area is gorgeous in the Fall.
“Love is not patronizing and charity isn’t about pity, it is about love. Charity and love are the same — with charity you give love, so don’t just give money but reach out your hand instead.”
― Mother Teresa